Sunday, December 21, 2008

Winter Daydreams: Solstice 2008

Twenty five year ago, during the winter months, stained glass came into my life as a hobby. After ten years as a hobby I began eking out a living with stained glass doing commissioned work, teaching and selling retail. DAYDREAMS Art Glass. In the last five years I’ve returned to stained glass as a hobby and it’s been years since I’ve gone on a creative run with stained glass; I’m savoring being on this run. I walked to the village this afternoon to get away from the studio and give my sore fingers a break.

The Flower of Life came up in early Fall in a discussion about trading a stained glass sun catcher for dance clothes with a local designer/seamstress. I was hesitant to commit to that particular project, that’s a lot of pieces to cut. When circumstance further supplied an artist who was familiar with the Flower of Life and interested in trying to come up with a pattern with the specifications provided, I went for it. I wanted to walk into the project without any preconceived notions of what the Flower of Life was about and this meant I wouldn’t have to do any research for the image. I did know that Michelangelo used the Flower of Life in his drawings and I had seen the name Drunvallo Melchezidek in connection with the Flower of Life in an online bookstore.

I didn’t immediately realize I was looking at silk batik renditions of the Flower of Life on the temple altars at the Awakening retreat in November. There is so much to experience when walking into this kind of temple for the first time. When I did fathom them I knew I’d have to take pictures of the altars to capture the Flower of Life in four of the endless possible renditions. When we were instructed in our dance with throat chakra, to place the image of the Flower of Life over our throat chakra during the sixth day of the retreat, I was ecstatic.

My dreams since returning from the retreat are full of images of the Flower of Life, and people stepping onto the circle with me, stepping into an awareness of who they really are, stepping into their hearts. Veils are dropping and more people step onto the Flower of Life joining those who are already there. Information about what the intersection of nodes we’re standing on means and how to output and input energy from that intersection is shared. There is a vital, vibrant dynamic energy around people who consciously step onto their place on the Flower of Life.

The first small Flower of Life created itself after the small one I found in the Awakening retreat manual. I asked Court to make me a larger pattern and he’s been discovering and playing with the Sacred Geometry of the Flower of Life ever since. We’re both thoroughly engrossed in making this dream manifest. Life is art. The Seed of Life may prove to be more fun to work with and more cost effective. Last night I Googled Drunvallo Melchezidek and found this:

The Flower of Life symbol is being released once again into the consciousness of humankind. This helps to give us a model of unity amongst diversity, which we so desperately need to heal the fracturing reality we see around us. It is time to surrender to the unity that surrounds us. Our inherent unity was once unseen and ignored, but now we have the understanding, templates, and tools to truly see its existence and embrace this unity in our lives.

Sacred geometry and the teachings of the Flower of Life help us to see within ourselves the vastness of which we are all a part. Many humans have been conditioned to see and believe in a limited perspective of smallness. Elephant trainers of the far east tie a thin rope around the ankle of a baby elephant and throughout their lives reinforce the boundary of the rope. The adult elephant is fully capable of breaking the rope but the elephant has been so conditioned to believe he cannot, that he does not understand his own power to free himself. We are like those elephants, just learning about our self-imposed belief in limitation. Living with our limited perspectives of ourselves, we rarely see past our limitations and, as a consequence, we bind ourselves to our habits. With a little effort, the teachings of the Flower of Life and sacred geometry help us peer through the window of our conditioned beliefs and gaze at the vastness of our true selves and our infinite potential.

One of the aspects of stained glass as a business or a hobby is the cost of materials, the more exquisite the glass, the higher the prices. It is fascinating to find that the patterns for the Flower of Life make it possible to use every scrap of glass. I will include some pictures if and when I am able.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Anne,

Those are Wonderful Creations that you e-mailed to me -Thank You for sharing them, I shall incorporate them onto my personal photo gallery:)

I love your new layout here!! The journey for me has/is continuing to be marvelous and appearing to accelerate and coming together for me. It appears from my viewpoint much appears to be transpiring regarding your end:)

Winter weather here in Tucson is just remarkable - it may rain once every two weeks or so and the temps average around 17c-22c high 5c-8c low, though on occasion somewhat warmer and somewhat cooler.

Raven, the lady whom assisted me in my past live regression that, I had done on me, last summer is indeed, accurate in suggesting that the main (Soul) purpose on why I moved here was to use the energies located here throughout the mountains hold many healing properties and indeed, they sure have:)) Basically, and this is offered by Mother God, as she likes to refer to me as being like the Monarch Butterfly whom has emerged out of cocoon state and soon shall commence on my grand journey which I know all to well now that indeed, it is approaching!

Timmy (Ahauchata)

Polsom Park Rose Garden, Vernon B.C.

Polsom Park Rose Garden, Vernon B.C.
The Wedding Party