Friday, May 27, 2011

Loving the Weather!

It was a drizzly grey late spring morning when I opened the door and poked my nose out. At this time of year the vegetable and flower gardens are always calling. It smelled amazing, awake, and alive and the decision to put boots on and go out made it self. Moments later, as I stood over one of the garden rockeries admiring my handiwork a shift in perspective came through. For years I have worked with these same perennials, shifting the Lily collection from one spot to another, the delphiniums, liatris, daffodils, and tulips, everybody in that rockery has more than once grown legs and transplanted themselves.

And then I knew. I felt how they had taught me, it wasn’t my doing, I had simply acted as their legs. It was the plants, the trees, the weeds and grasses, the dirt and air and water that has been teaching me since the first time I conceived of planting a garden. For forty years the plant kingdom has taken me under its wing and supported my fledgling attempts at working with them. They have taught me where to place each of them in relationship with the others, who is needy and who needs to be ravaged. My mind is rarely involved, though I have a library of gardening books. They teach me through my body, my senses, and mostly they teach through our mutual love affair.

Now with beginners’ eyes I view the scene, the same garden rockeries, the same trees, sky, air, rain, and nothing is the same. The shapes and colors, the smells, everything shone. My heart began beating that gratitude song until it poured out my mouth. Thank you to the nasturtiums and pansies, thank you gladiolas and dahlias, thank you to the peach tree. Thank you Life for the Grace called rain showering down upon me today.

In this part of the world the weather is the first thing we talk about when we get together. These days I hear a lot of complaining, it’s too cold, wet, hot, dry, flooding, windy. Behind those complaints I feel the fear and realize the weather is the recipient of that projected fear. If we subscribe to the idea of Oneness with All of Life we’ve forgotten that we are the weather. We want control but we don’t want responsibility. We’ll believe conspiracy theories about the bad guys using weather conditions as a weapon before we’ll accept responsibility for the weather we’re experiencing. We’ll believe that the Earth Herself wants to destroy us without spending a moment to consider the idea, the possibility that we have a part in creating the very weather we’re complaining about.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

As I Think Today, So I Will Be Tomorrow

If you’re feeling like a bear in a cage do not let your monkey mind into the cage with you…bear and monkey make really ugly babies. Anne Cressy

Where your thoughts are is where you dwell, look at it as your creation address. This address then becomes your quantified universe and defined field of light. Redefine who you are to yourself and then it will follow as the day and the night that you are re-defined in every cell of your body, in every level of your life, and in every document that has ever recorded your life, your birth, and your death. You are the center of the universe. Do not take that lightly. For where you stand in your thinking, in your self, in your construction of circumstances -- ripples out through all existence. It affects your past and present and your future. It is only by your own awakening that you issue that decree on a cellular, stellar fashion to all of life. Stop whining and see how grand you are.

We have always existed as light. We can be nothing but the expression of light.
From Gillian Macbeth Louthan

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Swimming in the Ecstasy of Creation

"Earth is a smooth pond which is imprinted by and reflects the web of planetary influences, as soft putty carries the imprint of a gently-pressed finger. We humans are as water spiders on the surface of the pond, weaving into physical form the web that we see and feel reflected from above. There are reflections also from the sand on the bottom of the pond which are felt and woven on the surface, and in this way the stars hear not only their own echo from earth, but the music of Gaia's own sphere intermingled with their sweet symphony. Incarnate humans thus can be the creators of a heavenly web on the spherical surface of the earth, attuned simultaneously to the above and below, swimming in the ecstasy of creation. "
~Patrick MacManaway

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Spiritual Conspiracy

On the surface of the world right now there is
war and violence and things seem dark.
But calmly and quietly, at the same time,
something else is happening underground
An inner revolution is taking place
and certain individuals are being called to a higher light.
It is a silent revolution.
From the inside out. From the ground up.
This is a Global operation.
A Spiritual Conspiracy.
There are sleeper cells in every nation on the planet.
You won't see us on the T.V.
You won't read about us in the newspaper
You won't hear about us on the radio
We don't seek any glory
We don't wear any uniform
We come in all shapes and sizes, colors and styles
Most of us work anonymously
We are quietly working behind the scenes
in every country and culture of the world
Cities big and small, mountains and valleys,
in farms and villages, tribes and remote islands
You could pass by one of us on the street
and not even notice
We go undercover
We remain behind the scenes
It is of no concern to us who takes the final credit
But simply that the work gets done
Occasionally we spot each other in the street
We give a quiet nod and continue on our way
During the day many of us pretend we have normal jobs
But behind the false storefront at night
is where the real work takes a place
Some call us the Conscious Army
We are slowly creating a new world
with the power of our minds and hearts
We follow, with passion and joy
Our orders come from the Central Spiritual Intelligence
We are dropping soft, secret love bombs when no one is looking
Poems ~ Hugs ~ Music ~ Photography ~ Movies ~ Kind words ~
Smiles ~ Meditation and prayer ~ Dance ~ Social activism ~ Websites
Blogs ~ Random acts of kindness...
We each express ourselves in our own unique ways
with our own unique gifts and talents
Be the change you want to see in the world
That is the motto that fills our hearts
We know it is the only way real transformation takes place
We know that quietly and humbly we have the
power of all the oceans combined
Our work is slow and meticulous
Like the formation of mountains
It is not even visible at first glance
And yet with it entire tectonic plates
shall be moved in the centuries to come
Love is the new religion of the 21st century
You don't have to be a highly educated person
Or have any exceptional knowledge to understand it
It comes from the intelligence of the heart
Embedded in the timeless evolutionary pulse of all human beings
Be the change you want to see in the world
Nobody else can do it for you
We are now recruiting
Perhaps you will join us
Or already have.
All are welcome
The door is open ~
author unknown

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Where Would I Be Without My Story?

Goddess knows I loved my story, all stories. It has unfolded everyday of my life and I couldn’t imagine life without. Goddess knows I’ve been grateful for the story, for the longest time I thought it was the only thing that was really and truly mine. I see now that I was living in my mind then. I see now that the story had taken over and that my story was living me instead of the other way around.

When the story lived me I believed the story with my whole heart despite knowing that the story was a mental construct or point of view. I would defend my story, creating as I went if I had to in order to protect my take on my story. Now I see that I had to lie regularly to defend my story. I saw my story as a good one, entertaining and worth holding onto. What else does one do with a good story?

This freeing from story began with the discovery that I didn’t trust myself. I projected that lack of self trust. I didn’t trust others. I expected others wouldn’t trust me. When I closed my eyes and went into my body to follow that thread of distrust I saw and felt the hooks that held the untrustworthy story in place. I saw and felt how I projected the inner distrust to protect and hold the story in place. I began unhooking and owning the projections. I saw that I could unhook and own projections forever. I saw that this was how to keep the story alive forever too.

I realized I needed to turn this whole story over to the Mother. And so I gave Her the story, gave Her my emotional and mental attachments to the story. I released the physical attachment to the story. With each letting go light poured into the spaces that opened up. The feeling of being lit up from the inside overtook what was left of me. I felt a cracking and saw my energetic body freed from the confines of the story. I saw and felt the weight of the story slide off in what looked like flakes of a rusted out suit of armor.

Free is where I am without a story, free to be present, free to be me.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Why the Resistance to Meditation?

Every spiritual teacher, from the IChing to living masters whose wisdom I have imbibed have counseled meditation. Those words always felt like an admonishment. When I began meditating on a daily basis it was with the help of the Vessels of Peace meditation circle. Over the years a meditative practice developed that I depended on. What I didn’t understand and questioned was the resistance to meditating that would show up, sometimes for months at a time, when it was time to meditate.

A string of events has brought what feels like an answer to my inquiry about some of the resistance. As I stood in a circle of locals gathered in front of the village store, I realized something had shifted in me. When a moment of silence descended on the conversation I remained silent and comfortable. For most of my life when a silence would open up, whether between two or twenty people, I would step into clown or entertainer mode to hide/deal with my anxiety. That ordinary moment became extraordinary, if only for me, when I noticed how comfortable I was with that silence.

This year I have been examining the discomfort and fear about being in silence myself, as well as in the company of quiet people. Today a window into the past opened as I wondered that took me back to childhood…where else? I was coming into the house after school. It was quiet, eerily so, and that quiet often meant an angry explosion was fermenting. I went into an eight year olds idea of crisis management and started being silly trying to get Mom to laugh. It worked once and a belief and habit for life was formed. That wasn’t the end or beginning of the forming of fear around silence, not by a long shot. I heard those lethal words, “be quiet”, ”sit still”, “shut up”, “children are meant to be seen and not heard”, and more all echoing down the timeline at once until I was the adult and they were coming out of my mouth. I remembered feeling sullen silence used as a weapon, a bad vibe between Mom and Dad. It is no wonder I felt I was being admonished when I was counseled to sit in silence and meditate. That statement was a trigger and the child in me would feel she was being told to go sit in the corner and be quiet and think about what she’d done. Silence as a punishment.

Last evening, after many concentrated hours of light body work I found myself energetically depleted. Options passed through my mind, go for a walk, take a hot tub, curl up with a book. It was my body that took me to my meditation spot. I followed, resistance free and loving it and returned with a sense of having been nourished and loved in the only way that truly serves, by myself the Mother.

May your New Moon intentions ride the waves of manifestation through this moon cycle!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

"Alice" through the Solstice Window

This Week's Transmission . . .from Mary Nalini MacNab

'Alice' through the Solstice Window ~

Today's transmission comes from the alignment of the solstice window which we are now moving through, each in her own way.

"'Each in Her own way', is the theme for this week's transmission. As the energies of the solstice loom the largest they have seemd in your experience, you may find yourself in and out of body, one minute supremely focused inward, the next drawn into something that feels otherworldly, then dropped back 'in' to the physical body in a way that confounds and confuses... what was I doing? What was I in the middle of? What did the person(s) I am speaking with just say? What planet is this? What world?

This is the beginning of multiplicity in a way you have not imagined yourself to exist. The veils are not just thinning now, they are diffused, seemingly 'broken' and yet not. The NOW is present, the NOW of eternal creation, pure dreaming, pure navigation from the heart.

It is imperative, so very important, that you move from the heart in each and every moment. Listen and allow it to direct your every motion. Your every direction. For the heart IS the direction you must follow at this time. When faced with the moment by moment multiplicity of choosing, listen. Breathe into centre and allow your heart, as it is in alignment with My Heart at its core, to choose for you. It is your core, your essence, the Truth of your Beingness that must now step forward and choose, in each moment, in integrity and from strength.

It is time to respond, moment by moment, from the power that runs through you and to remember the choice for Love, as it unfolds from within and around you ~ in the certain knowingness that you remember ~ even as you know not what you do.

You are held in this time, this window of creative flow called 'opportunity'. Allow yourself to be in this held space, to flow along with this great tide of changing, and watch as all morphs from within."

'Mother made me; I am She; Let go, and flow along with me!'

~ as given thru 'Mary', from the heart of the next wave 12/11/2010 ~ all rights reserved

May Every Blessing Find You!

With unending love,

Mary (Nalini)

Polsom Park Rose Garden, Vernon B.C.

Polsom Park Rose Garden, Vernon B.C.
The Wedding Party