Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Module Two of the Kundalini Trance Dance facilitator training was a magnificent experience and I'd like to share some joy.
Let me start with the fact that this work is helping bring about what I consider to be an extraordinary transformation in my life. For now, the best way I have to put this statement into other descriptive words is to say that I have gone from knowing with my mind and heart the truth that I am/we are light beings, to being able to feel into that subtle light body to activate, cleanse and nourish it.
My journey home takes me through the Little River ferry terminal to catch a boat to Powell River. It is always the first place that I have time to catch my breath after leaving the Haven and my thoughts turn to the daily breathing exercises that are recommended we use to keep us vibrationally sweet. Like other trips home I knew that these would be opportune moments for the practice. It was blowing a gale outside so there was no going to the beach this time. I put Goddess Alchemy Project on low, closed my eyes and starting grounding down to connect.
As I opened and began breathing Shakti Ma up I could feel my perineum sipping the electro-magnetic energy, could feel the light thrilling up feet and legs to pool in my pelvis empowering the cleansing sounds of light being pulled through the four layers of my auric body. Again I found something special about doing this practice alone for the first time in a week. With the accompanying sounds of rain lashing and winds shaking the little vehicle, I took the deepest most aware dive into light body, like the last time, only more. I could feel every ray of light that encapsulates this physical body, could distinctly feel the subtle movement of light streaming through central pranic tube, ida and pingala pathways and through each chakra and tube torus. Combined with the sense of connection to Shakti below and Shiva above, it was breathtaking, an ecstatic state in seconds, much less time than it takes to read or write this. I hung out at heart in the light, feeling akin to a child at play in a summer rain, splashing light and sounding out the love.
For years I've sensed that humanity needed spiritual food. Now I know that we literally need to feed our spirit bodies with light. It feels exquisite and perfect this Divine plan that gave us physical bodies designed to "plug into" our energetic environment, like a plug into a power outlet. Perhaps a billboard campaign selling humanity to itself by describing how these wondrous vessels come factory equipped with a bank of batteries and complete circuitry to run not only Solar power but Earth energy through our systems as well.
I need to share about another joyous aspect of these Awakenings and training periods that also really came home this time. Through each of your eyes I experienced myself held, respected, accepted and undeniably unconditionally loved. The feeling of sisterhood and sense of belonging that was seeded and nurtured has grown into a full blown garden in which I refresh myself regularly. A lifetime, many lifetimes of yearning for I knew not what is now known. I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams. You have all held space for me to flower as the purring slobbering love muffin I really am and I thank you and love you from one end of my sweaty self to the other.
1 comment:
My my, doesn't hallowed and holy Toledo look cutey sigh. How did your letters arrive at my email address? Heavens! Jakesey is surprised, pleasantly chuffed. I stand humbled in the presence of one who walks the talk, doing her unfolding, melting linearity into rich helpings of Now-ness stream that's Spirit honour for Gentle Breathe.
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