Considering that everyone of us starts out as a child believing in wishes coming true, and considering that we’re all eventually directed to give wishes and wishing up for reality, I could have continued throwing my wishes away on peace and not thought further about this. Instead, I began to reclaim the childhood wisdom that knows that real wishes do come true, though a real wish can be hard to sort from other kinds of wishes. When an opportunity to wish a wish showed up I wished for peace again. I didn’t believe in peace, though I couldn’t have admitted it at the time.
It was after joining a group of women calling themselves the Vessels of Peace that I began to examine my beliefs about peace. It was the name itself that had sounded inviting, sounded at that particularly difficult time in my life like a concept I could well afford to embrace. I began imagining that I was a Vessel of Peace. I discovered that peace is a hard sell, not many people interested, except maybe Christmas Day. I discovered that while I did believe in peace, I had difficulty imaging what that peace would look like. I found that it was easy to imagine disaster scenarios, but that I couldn’t imagine peaceful scenarios with nearly the same gusto. I wondered when I would be a Vessel of Peace.
This December 7, 2009 as winter solstice approaches I find myself able to sketch an answer to my search around imaging what peace looks like. I needed to bring myself to my imaginings of peace and then I find circles of people gathered in sacred space emote peace. I find when I channel the Mother, conveying Her messages, I feel peace. When I pray aloud I am at peace. I am at peace when I nurture. I am at peace when I listen to the news. I am peace in my sleep. I am at peace with the anger, at peace with grief. Peace enlightens my fear. Peace crept up on me, caught me unaware that I had fallen so thoroughly into Her arms that I am embodying Peace. Yes, I can be at peace with war!
When I open to peace it isn’t a boring, nondescript space. It is a daring vital energy with a rejuvenating quality that sings through this vessel at the speed of light. It is a well of hope from which youth can spring eternal. Peace is the softest flowing gossamer fabric, peace is durable and sturdy; it is eternal whether I am present to that peace or not.
Peace and love are interchangeable words. Peace and love aren’t far away nebulous places. Peace is and always has been available within. I invite you to join me to open your inbuilt circuits and lets plug into peace and glory in it's glow together.
HEAR HEAR, friend Anne. Nice picture-moment of grand-daughter Paige and you.
Oneness has to be reconciled within our total being, then all we'll see is the unfolding of this in all we do, and say, and are.
Eternal Peace is alive and well, and everywhere.. In this and that, here and there, up and down, and within and without. World without end, without beginning, without becoming.
Absolutely, lets glory in it's glow together... It is after all, Truth, Light, and Love, which is absolutely EVERYTHING when perceived with our Original Mind.
Friend, John
Hi John, Paige and I were having awonderful time playing with tattoos....with another woman wer spent hours applying tattoos. It was infectious good fun....gglad you like.,Anne
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