This Week's Transmission . . .from Mary Nalini MacNab
'Alice' through the Solstice Window ~
Today's transmission comes from the alignment of the solstice window which we are now moving through, each in her own way.
"'Each in Her own way', is the theme for this week's transmission. As the energies of the solstice loom the largest they have seemd in your experience, you may find yourself in and out of body, one minute supremely focused inward, the next drawn into something that feels otherworldly, then dropped back 'in' to the physical body in a way that confounds and confuses... what was I doing? What was I in the middle of? What did the person(s) I am speaking with just say? What planet is this? What world?
This is the beginning of multiplicity in a way you have not imagined yourself to exist. The veils are not just thinning now, they are diffused, seemingly 'broken' and yet not. The NOW is present, the NOW of eternal creation, pure dreaming, pure navigation from the heart.
It is imperative, so very important, that you move from the heart in each and every moment. Listen and allow it to direct your every motion. Your every direction. For the heart IS the direction you must follow at this time. When faced with the moment by moment multiplicity of choosing, listen. Breathe into centre and allow your heart, as it is in alignment with My Heart at its core, to choose for you. It is your core, your essence, the Truth of your Beingness that must now step forward and choose, in each moment, in integrity and from strength.
It is time to respond, moment by moment, from the power that runs through you and to remember the choice for Love, as it unfolds from within and around you ~ in the certain knowingness that you remember ~ even as you know not what you do.
You are held in this time, this window of creative flow called 'opportunity'. Allow yourself to be in this held space, to flow along with this great tide of changing, and watch as all morphs from within."
'Mother made me; I am She; Let go, and flow along with me!'
~ as given thru 'Mary', from the heart of the next wave 12/11/2010 ~ all rights reserved
May Every Blessing Find You!
With unending love,
Mary (Nalini)
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