Once upon a time the queen found herself under siege and no longer able to travel her kingdom freely. In a dream the queen learned that this taking away of her rights and powers would serve the highest good of all of life. In the dream she was shown a place of beauty, love and light that would be born of her unconditional love for all of life. The queen agreed. She knew in her heart that her real power lay within her being and could not be controlled through siege or threat of death.
Eventually it became clear to the queen that she would need servants to help her steer clear of the dangers that daily visited her door, if she was lucky enough to have one. The first servant she wove from the fibers of her being hemmed with tears. This servant she named Power and Power was sent into hiding. The next servant was named Pretend and the next Forget. Slowly as circumstances arose she wove loyal and loving servants to help her keep herself safe.
Decades flew by and the servants were inherited by the daughters when they discovered they were queens. Often the daughters had to create new servants so difficult was it for them to refuse the moontime call of their queen selves. And so the armies of servants grew through thousands of years of siege.
When the day dawned that the siege began letting up the Queen was in a quandary. She could feel herself being called by the dream to stand up and take back her kingdom. Yet the queen had forgotten about her servants so accustomed to their service had she become. So every time she stood to take her place a servant would stand in front of her to keep her safe. This would send her emotional body careening off the walls in showers of anger, frustration, self loathing and an often unnamed shame of self betrayal.
The less the queen loved herself the more she loved outside of herself. It took a mirror the Sacred Witness and a few good girlfriends to remind the queen that she had an army of servants that would need new marching orders in order for her to be able to re-inhabit her kingdom. And so it came to pass. With the discovery of the servants came the discovery of their loyal, loving lifetimes of service to her safety. She was deeply, deeply touched by this love. She held ceremony to honor these servants their vigilance and faithful service in her name. And the queen began calling each of her servants to the head office to be decommissioned. The servants the queen had inherited wouldn’t be budged from their tasks until they were satisfied that the queen was really safe. Others were assigned new tasks until they were convinced, and others required no more assurances and were absorbed back into the heart of the queen in the blink of an eye. At the time of this writing the queen is in continuing peace talks with the remains of her one time army of servants. Her kingdom is hers to live happily ever after in, or not.

I send much love and gratitude to Beate Ronnenfeldt for sharing her vision that inspired this short story
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